jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018


During the Renaissance, civil architecture became more important due to the increased wealth of the bourgeoisie.
The best examples of this new architectural style can be found in Italian cities.
- Urban palaces.

Palazzo Pitti in Florence (Brunelleschi)

Palazzo Medici in Florence (Michelozzo di Bartolomeo)

Palazzo Rucellai in Florence (Leon Batista Alberti)
- Town halls.
- Squares.

Piazza del Campidoglio (Michelangelo)
- Hospitals.

Ospedale degli Innocenti in Florence (Brunelleschi)
- Theatres.

Teatro Olimpico in Venice (Andrea Palladio)
- Libraries.

Laurentian Library in Florence (Michelangelo)
- Rural villas.

Villa La Rotonda (Andrea Palladio)
The Renaissance architects´ objective was to achieve the harmony of classical architecture.
To do this, they used different methods:
- Simplicity (they didn´t use many decorative features).
- Open, diaphanous space.
- Proportion (the buildings are symmetrical and the different parts are evenly distributed).

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