jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018


The most important Spanish Renaissance paintings are those by Juan de Juanes.

Ecce Homo (Juan de Juanes)

The Last Supper (Juan de Juanes)

The Italian Titian, the main portrait artist from the Venetian school, was Carlos V`s court painter.
Alonso Sánchez Coello and Juan Pantoja de Cruz were Felipe II´s portrait painters. 

Isabella of Portugal (Titian)

Carlos V at the Battle of Mülberg  (Titian)
From the middle of the century onwards, the influence of Michael Angelo and Mannerism was reflected in the use of elongated figures with dramatic expressions on their faces. 

Madonna and Child (Luis de Morales)

In the last third of the century, the most important artist was El Greco, a Greek artist who worked in Toledo. His works are characterised by the drama and spirituality reflected on the faces of his subjects, the use of elongated figures, cool colours and dark tones.

The Disrobing of Christ (El Greco)

The Burial of the Count of Orgaz (El Greco)

The Holy Trinity (El Greco)

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