jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018


The most important sculptures in the Classicist style are those by the Italians Leoni Leoni and his son Pompei Leoni. 

Felipe II´s family cenotaph (Pompeo Leoni)
With the adoption of the style of Mannerism, the faces of the sculptures became more expressive. They tried to evoke intense feelings to reflect the dramatic situations in some of the passages of the Bible. The main works done in this style were of religious imagery and were painted wooden carvings and altarpieces (sculptures or paintings which decorated the altar). The main artists were:

- Alonso Berruguete 

The Sacrifice of Isaac (Alonso Berruguete)

The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (Alonso Berruguete)

- Juan de Juni 

The Virgin of Anguish (Juan de Juni)

The Entombment of Christ (Juan de Juni)

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