jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018


In the first third of the century, the Plateresque style dominated. This style is characterised by:

- ornate facades
- similar to the work that silversmiths produced at that time

Saint Marcos Hopital in Leon

Facade of Salamanca University

Santo Domingo Cathedral (the first one on the American continent) on the island Hispaniola

In the second third of the century, buildings were constructed in a Classicist or Purist style. This style faithfully reproduced the architectural characteristics of the Italian Renaissance. The amount of decoration was reduced and classical elements were accentuated (columns and pediments).

The Palace of Carlos V in the Alhambra in Granada (Pedro Machuca)

Granada Cathedral (Diego de Siloé)

Jaen Cathedral (Andrés de Vandelvira)

El Salvador Church in Ubeda (Andrés de Vandelvira)

Bisagra Gate (Alonso de Covarrubias)

In the last third of the century, the Herrerian style dominated. It was characterised by:

- austere decoration
- geometric spaces

Its name comes from the architect Juan Herrera, who constructed the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Felipe II commissioned this building to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Saint Quentin. It was built on a massive scale and consists of a palace, a monastery with a church and a pantheon. This monument was designed to reflect the greatness of Felipe II´s empire.

Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Juan de Herrera)

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